Photographing a birth is always such a special occasion. It’s by far my favorite part of my job. It’s extra special when I know the family. I met the Clauses when I photographed the birth of their first son, their story is so special and it was an amazing moment. I’ve photographed them again as a family since then and when I got the e-mail that they were expecting again I was overjoyed, they are truly wonderful, godly people and being with them to capture this moment in their lives is a blessing to me and a glimpse at God’s goodness. Faith was a warrior of a mother delivering Fisher naturally. She rocked it and as a mother who got an epidural myself I was SO impressed with how well she did. Fisher was born the cleanest baby I’ve ever seen. So perfectly pink with zero vernix anywhere on him, the whole room was in awe of him. He nursed right away and peaked his little eyes open showing us that he did indeed look at least a little like his older brother. Welcome sweet Fisher. I pray you grow into your name and become a true fisher of men.