Miss Olivia’s birth was not just my first birth to photograph but my first birth to witness at all besides the birth of my son. What an experience! I am so hooked. I want to do this over and over and over again. I think there’s real thrill of just being there. I’m such an emotional, empathetic person as is, so it just moves my whole heart. I was so excited when I got the call that Olivia was on the way (I didn’t actually know her name was Olivia by the way, and I was dying to know). I was afraid I was going to be out of town, so it was perfect timing. Okay… enough about me… let’s talk about Lauren (Mama) for a second, this girl killed it. Totally killed it. She labored at home, she labored in the tub, and she went SO FAR without the epidural, I was in amazement. She did try to freeze me and Kyle out though keeping the A/C cranked in the room. Heehee After a lonnnnnng night of waiting Olivia made her entrance, and it was an amazing moment for all. What a beautiful baby girl. Great job Mama.